We believe the successful companies of the future will be those that can bring people closer, make teamwork faster and make culture stronger – wherever their workers are located.
Even before the Covid-19 crisis, remote working, flexible working and bringing long-forgotten front line staff into company communications were all fast-growing trends.
So, Regan Collins, tech expert and CEO of Azuronaut, joined us to discuss the key remote working tools in our latest webinar. His company is both a Microsoft Gold Partner, a Workplace from Facebook partner and long time Slack user.
We looked at the core criteria you need to run a company remotely, both in a time of crisis and in the future. From building community and engagement remotely, all the way through to practical criteria like video conferencing and document collaboration.
Our review criteria:
We took a look at how Microsoft Teams, Workplace and Slack compare against:
- Overall communication + top down communications
- Employee experience
- Video calls, internal and external
- Project management and collaboration
- Community & engaging staff
- Learning and training
- Ease of implementation and integration
- Mobile-first
- Security
Our key learnings from Regan
- Do a full assessment of your current tools and working processes
- A tool can only take you so far, the way you implement makes a difference
- Think about employee experience, not just features
- Stop to examine what sort of organisation you want to create
- Broaden your criteria to take account of organisation purpose
- Don’t be afraid to review your licensing costs – it’s not as complex as you think
- Microsoft and Workplace working together can provide you with the best in class
Reserve a copy of our Remote Work Tools Playbook
300 helps companies choose and use their remote working platforms. Our technical partner Azuronaut empowers you with the technology to connect your systems and people together. co Get in touch at hello@the300.co
Related articles:
Why it’s time for email to die
Comparing Teams and Workplace