We help companies get better at talking to their people

It's time we connected at work
We've probably all worked at companies where we felt talked down to, or where we didn't know what was going on.
300 helps change that.
Connected companies perform better
Using Workplace by Meta's next-generation technology, we help companies perform better by enabling them to listen, engage and talk to their staff as real people.
More productive. More profitable. More retention.
Why Workplace by Meta?
Changing the way people communicate at work
Workplace uses familiar tools to make connection simple - and engages your people in a totally new way.
Your company will move faster, be more agile and adapt more easily. Everyone will feel closer to their work - and each other.
You can customise your Workplace to your company and style of working with integrations, apps and more.
The 300 difference
For one, we’ve been in your shoes – we’re not ‘agency’ people. We are senior digital practitioners who’ve worked at the coal face of communications for the past 20 years.
That’s important because most consultants sell you the theory, but fail to grasp the reality of driving organisational change.
We’ve launched Workplace from within a business and as consultants.
300 is a Workplace specialist but we understand the complete landscape of internal communications, the employee experience, culture and workflow.
Our Workplace Services
Launch strategy and management
Accelerate your launch and ensure your goals, values and brand are at the heart of your Workplace with the 300 approach.
Deepen Workplace use with ongoing support
Develop your Workplace strategy, outsourced ‘Chief Workplace Officer’ services, community management, automations and deeper business integration.
Get back on track and discover new direction
Support to redefine your Workplace vision, your group structure, reboot executive engagement and re-engage key functions.

Ramp: accelerate your launch
These days we’re all expected to do a lot with lean teams. Let us take the strain and we’ll manage every element of your launch. From launch planning, value assessment, buy in sessions, group recommendations and communications strategy; to values, branding and campaigns to engage.
And we’ll coach your leadership and business functions too, ensuring everyone’s clear about why your launching and the business benefits. Our focus is on making Workplace your own, connecting employees to your culture and business purpose, creating a sense of belonging.
- Support to define clear business objectives & Workplace vision
- Project management
- Transformation /change management
- How will you use Workplace to work?
- Executive engagement and end-user training
- Compelling communications, strategy and branding
- Technical support and advice
- Integrations to existing systems and new integrations with bots
Reinforce: deepen use with ongoing services
Launch has gone well but now you want to reinforce further good practice. This is the time to focus on improving business processes, embedding culture and improving collaboration.
It could be you want to focus on staff onboarding and HR processes. Or maybe enhancing culture with integrations like ‘coffee bots’ - making it easier for employees to meet. Perhaps you want to move all your IT ticketing to Workplace, manage your events or room booking services, or transform static groups to collaborative hubs. Whatever your challenges we can advise and implement the right solution.
- Deepen business integration eg Workplace for HR
- Outsourced Chief Workplace Officer services
- Quarterly reviews & analytics
- Deepen executive engagement
- Automation packages
- Best practice training
- Embed ideation platforms
- Engagement campaigns

Reboot: kickstart your Workplace journey
Maybe you launched without a clear strategy or underestimated the cultural transformation needed in your business. Perhaps your groups need a refresh or your posts needs reconnecting to your purpose? We can help you find direction, come up with a kick-ass communications schedule and coach the confused. We’ll help make Workplace your own so employees feel better connected to your unique culture. Whether you need a refresh or a relaunch we lighten the load, becoming an extension of your team.
- Redefine vision
- Re-examine group structure
- Executive engagement
- Re-engagement campaigns
- Business transformation
- Outsourced Chief Workplace Officer services
Case studies - the power of Workplace
The power of empowering women
Virgin Atlantic: Catalysing Employees
Campbell's on Workplace
What's next?
Book a free internal communications review today.
Our Workplace launch services costs
We like to be transparent so take a look at our costs. There are packages to suit all budgets.
The value of a supported Workplace launch can not be underestimated with a typical 20% uplift in active users and will set your organisation up for future success.
Why we’re 300
We love the Spartans legend where 300 diehards held off the might of the Persian army at a narrow mountain pass.
Our philosophy is that a bit of smart thinking delivers great value.
Read more about 300 or find out more about our founders:
Caroline Watkin & Phil Jenkins