Six communication tricks to make your employees love you

In a world that’s more mobile, more expressive and more open there’s an absolute imperative for us, as leaders, to change the way we’re communicating to respond to what our people need and want.


Because people want to work for social CEOs/ leaders and engaged workforces have higher productivity, higher revenue and lower absenteeism:

  • 27% higher productivity *
  • 765 times higher revenue **
  • 41% lower absenteeism ***

You can’t afford not to communicate well these days.

But how do leaders communicate in a way that will ensure people prick up their ears and WANT to do what you’ve asked?

In short you need to have TALENT as a leader:

  1. Trusted
  2. Authentic
  3. Listen
  4. Engage
  5. Noticed or Be Visible!
  6. Tell stories

These are the six principles of modern leadership - according to us at 300! 👇

Before you read on, I’d love to talk to you with regards to what your company is doing about helping leaders to be confident, visible communicators across their communications channels. Book a 30-minute insights call in my diary here.

1. Trusted

Trust is the foundation that creates open organisations fit for the future where people feel authorised to use their voice.

The private jet company Vista Jet (of course I use them all the time!) had done all the usual cost reducing exercises but they hadn’t met their stretch targets. They decided to ask everyone in the organisation what else they could do. Suggestions came in big and small. A cleaner working onboard noticed that the full bottles of fancy champagne were rarely finished so they suggested replacing them with the smaller bottles. Job done and a shed load of money was saved.

How the CEO or senior leader decides what they’re going to listen to automatically creates self censorship unless there’s a huge degree of trust. Otherwise people feel worried to put ideas forward.

CEOs only receive a smidge of the ideas they COULD which would aid innovation, cost saving, increase employee engagement and drive greater profitability.

Building trust into your culture and communication is critical, demonstrating that it’s safe to have opinions and suggest ideas.

To do this, using some form of social collaboration platform WELL at work is ideal.

Whether you’re using Workplace from Meta, Slack or Teams - using your collaboration platform the right way creates engaging communication which draws people in, ultimately driving better teamwork and productivity.

At the basic level, the like button itself is a collective form of authorisation. It’s a democratic thing and helps create trust.

Avoid the CEO roast!

Many CEOs and senior leaders are dominating figures who can’t resist ‘shouting’ when people mess up. We largely do this as a projection vehicle of our own fear of incompetence.

But whatever the reason - owning your own imperfections is critical. If you see someone do something unsafe, you need to call it out. But the way you do it is important.

For example - “Hey, I did this unsafe thing too, I drive and speak on the phone. But this is what I learnt.” This is a major trust creating mechanism.

2. Authentic

The more senior you become the harder it is to be authentic because you naturally become removed from people. So you need to be really conscious of closing the authenticity gap.

Unfortunately, those in senior roles often find it difficult to be authentic because they naturally become removed from their people - so you need to be really conscious of closing the authenticity gap.

Leadership vulnerability is a big trend. The idea is when we see someone else’s pain and suffering we see them as human. Like us. It creates a connection vehicle. Vulnerability can be a strength.

The feeling of authenticity is about more than someone filling a role. And it’s not about “I say what I mean.” Which is how many leaders interpret authenticity by being super blunt!

But how do you demonstrate authenticity?

The best way is through spontaneity in your communications as people think this is genuine.

If people feel it’s in the moment they feel very connected and feel they shared a moment with that leader.

You can create the feeling of a small company in a big company by communicating in this way.

For example, well done livestream Q&As, where people can ask on the spot questions and get real answers. Heineken, Virgin and RBS all do them well with a sense of the real leader, RBS’s CEO has a simple mug of tea during the livestream. The best approach is avoiding a glitzy stage managed affair (of course, it’s still managed) but managed in a way that gives a sneak peak into the personalities behind the usual corporate masks.

I’d love to talk to you with regards to what your company is doing about helping leaders to be confident, visible communicators across their communications channels. Book a 30-minute insights call in my diary here.

3. Listen

It’s more imperative than ever that modern leaders listen. To their immediate team and to the wider organisation. Especially as we have new generations of workers who feel authorised to use their voice and want to be empowered to make a difference.

Now, we all know that we SHOULD listen (and most of us would believe ourselves to be great listeners... but the feedback doesn't always demonstrate that!) One of the key reasons we don’t listen properly is because we’re not always paying attention. And it’s getting harder as we’re in shorter supply of attention these days!

Woman with yellow headphones on a pink background listening happily

So active listening came along to help us really listen, pay attention and ask questions.

The higher up the leadership ladder we go, the more ‘tricks’ we learn that can actually stop us from really listening.

Things like:

Or “that’s a very good point, let me build on that point” And then we say our idea which is completely different!

But we never really get to the bottom of why we don’t pay attention.

So I’m going to let you into a secret!

Here’s what happens in a conversation. When you have an idea you will stop listening. In that moment you are giving into ego and most likely wanting to be clever. So the first thing we need to do is address competitiveness, anxiety and the need to be ‘seen’ just for the sake of it, as that is what really stops us from paying attention.

If we aren’t being listened to our desire to dominate others grows. That permeates through the whole business and impacts the culture.

This is a problem when creating a modern workplace because we generally need to be working in networked teams, collaborating. And that will never happen unless people lose the desire to dominate.

And it’s imperative because in this landscape all your functions who may have worked in silos in the past like IT, HR, marketing and operations need to come together to deliver the open organisations we need.

So listen to those around you...if most of us struggle to listen one on one how on earth do we listen to the wider organisation?

Two way communication is the key - allowing people to like and comment on leadership communications, running polls, asking questions, using Chat bots to ‘ask us anything’ and importantly then responding to those questions and acting on the feedback.

We must listen because listening leads to innovation, drives trust, engagement, retention and ultimately profitability.

For Example, before Craig Kreeger retired as CEO of Virgin Atlantic he had an all company ‘Ask Craig’ group allowing listening at the company wide level, which he answered personally.

And an employee posted on the CEO of Telenor’s timeline saying she had ideas on how to get more women into Technology and asked if he had time for a coffee. He replied with a comment telling her to contact his PA to setup a meeting.

4. Engage

Everyone wants the world to be happy, especially at work. But if you truly think you will engage people by making them feel good it’s our philosophy that you may be doing something wrong.

The last thing the referee says to two fighters before a boxing match is ENGAGE

And the last thing the referee says to the scrum on a rugby pitch with a total of 1000 KG on one side and 1000 KG on the opposing side is ENGAGE…

True engagement is about creating an environment where people are happy to express emotion. True engagement may have an element of confrontation. Letting the frustration out makes for better workplaces.

If people feel safe to express an opinion they thrive. And if company wide communication is genuinely two way then you stand a chance of genuinely engaging people.

As an example, Telenor’s CEO created a Frustrations Group in their collaboration platform. An employee was critical about some of Sigve's comments in an article and posted it in their Frustrations group. More commented and so did Sigve, saying he appreciated them speaking out and invited the two strongest critics to a meeting so he could give his side and hear theirs. It was very successful and cut down issues at source that may have festered and led to people leaving.

So in most organisations we have senior leaders who are massively competitive so don’t listen to each other or anyone else in the organisation. But at the same time hold everyone to rational professionalism and don’t let that emotion out. In the modern workplace we’re saying reduce the competitiveness and then give permission for emotion to be expressed.

The tone and style of your communication matters to create this sort of engaging culture that people want to stay at and do their best work at.

5. Noticed! Or be visible!

Whatever you’re doing, it's not enough! You need to be a visible leader AND your communications need to be noticed by everyone too.

Even in a 25 person business people are desperate to know more about you as a person and as a leader. The leaders I talk to tend to think they’re much more visible than they are.

You’re a flicker in your employees day, so amplifying the face toface with your digital channels is essential these days.

During lockdown John Duffy, the CEO of Finsbury Food Group couldn’t visit any of his sites but he was visible on his internal communication channels, did regular live videos updates and check-ins with the whole company.

When he started visiting again once lockdown restrictions were lifted, he was very surprised that a lot of new front line team members recognised him, knew who he was and commented that they’d seen his updates. He hadn’t had that recognition before lockdown when he visited all the time but didn’t do the digital updates.

Being visible is the holy grail to creating communications that drive real engagement - getting people engaged in the company strategy and their part in achieving it. Ultimately driving productivity and profitability.

6. Tell stories

When we get into a senior position we start to think that everything has logic. And we tend to operate in a really rational framework. But no one really engages in facts and data. It’s stories that really engage people.

I don’t know if you remember The British Museum exhibition - The History of the World in 100 Objects? It was great and I urge you to check out the story of each object here!

You can try an exercise based on this premise yourself - what five objects tell the story of your life? They will tell us the story of who you are. It’s a great exercise to try with your team one on one or you could even use this as a campaign on your social collaboration platform. People get quite emotional and reveal things about themselves you might never otherwise had discovered.

Stories humanise leaders. If we can see ourselves in our leaders we connect, we trust them, we notice what they say more. Those stories create engaging communications that support projects being delivered on time and on budget.

You can tell stories about you, your career journey, your products, your processes!

And think about formats that utilise story telling.

Like plain text emails v a post in a a social collaboration tool

Think about a plain text email for work, it’s usually a dry affair. You need to work hard to make an engaging story out of the usual wall of text.

It can be done but it takes more skill. Companies using ‘post’ style communications with an image or video at the heart of the communication can more easily bring communication to life that inspires action, engagement and increases trust.

Email binds us to certain dry conventions but taking more of a social collaboration approach allows people to participate in the culture, enhancing that sense of belonging which drives retention and productivity.

I’d love to talk to you with regards to what your company is doing about helping leaders to be confident, visible communicators across their communications channels. Book a 30-minute insights call in my diary here.


*State of Human Capital - Mckinsey
** State of the American Workplace - Gallup
*** Dan Coyle - Culture Code

Internal Communication Styles of Leaders


The 6 Corporate Leadership Communications Styles

Senior leaders are deciding that in this new age of communication, it's not enough simply to 'put out comms'. But creating engaging communications is a lot of weight on the shoulders of leaders who already have quite enough to do!

To help with that, I've created a fun round-up of the 6 Leadership Communication Styles so that you can self-assess where you or your leadership team currently sit - and if your organisation needs support to create inspiring, exciting communications that effectively communicates change? Drop me a line today at:


If we want the results that great communicators bring to organisations like increased engagement, productivity and profit then we have to start creating communications that our employees want to read and interact with.

Where to start?

I specialise in supporting organisations to create confident, visible communicators across their internal communications channels.

Drop 300's co-founder, Caroline Watkin, a line at

The most important reasons senior leaders should be visible at work revealed

So what are the most important reason senior leaders should be visible at work?

This is the question I asked all of you lovely lot over on LinkedIn a couple of weeks back and the responses were surprising.

77% of people said that creating trust and relatability was the key reason that senior leaders should put their head above the parapet.

24% said growing employee engagement was the key reason for being visible - yet only 5% chose creating buy-in to strategy as their top factor.   

AND absolutely no one said adapting to change was the key reason for leaders to be visible. 

When I drilled down to look at who voted, some more revealing insights came to light about how internal communications and leadership visibility are perceived.  Leaders themselves chose trust and relatability as their top reason and employees naturally said engagement was their number one choice. People in sales roles voted for creating buy-in to strategy.  

So we could argue that leaders themselves chose the least commercial reason! Perhaps this is the real reason why so few leaders are visible at work - they don’t attribute any hard commercial return for being visible and upping their internal communication game.  

When leaders fail to value internal communications and the commercial impact of their presence they are ultimately waving goodbye to profitability. It’s staggering that only 13% of employees strongly agree that their senior leaders communicate effectively with the rest of the business. *1  

Now, trust and relatability DO lead to higher engagement, which leads to higher retention levels, which leads to reduced turnover, better business continuity and higher productivity and profits.  

And maybe we should give leaders the benefit of the doubt that they too had this in mind when they voted! 

But that’s putting the horse before the cart if you like.  For me, the top reason senior leaders should be visible at work is because it will contribute to achieving their business goals and help the organisation make more money.  So buy-in to strategy and adapting to change are far more important reasons for senior leaders to be creating internal communications that employees actually engage with.  

It’s a common misconception that warmer concepts like engagement, trust, relatability etc are the key purpose of internal communications.  I believe making more money is actually the key purpose of internal communication.   

I don’t mean that in a cynical way but it is the reason corporate organisations exist - to generate profit, create more jobs and stimulate the economy.

If you’re a not-for-profit?  You still have to have commercial gains - to support end users on larger scales. So your purpose has to be at the centre.   

And actually, employees agree with this approach.  

77% of people say that their companies don’t focus on aligning employees' goals with corporate purposes. *2 

Employees are most connected and engaged when they know their individual role purpose and how it relates to organisational success.   

But most companies can’t explain this connection, do it poorly or think employees, particularly front-line employees, won’t get it - so they simply don’t bother. 

So we have leaders who don’t see the point of communicating key information their employees actually want to know and instead, companies end up focusing on wooly ‘engagement’ campaigns and free pizza. (Now I’m not knocking free pizza per se but it doesn't get buy-in for complex change projects or help employees to adapt to that change!)  

We also know that leaders don’t really believe in ‘engagement’ as a concept. In fact, 35% of lead­ers say focus­ing on employ­ee engage­ment is a dis­trac­tion from get­ting “Real Work” done. *3  

And I see this all the time at the new organisations I work with.    Where does that leave us?   Well, we have a double whammy!    

1. Leaders don’t think conveying the impact of strategy and change on their people is the most important reason for internal communications. So softer engagement campaigns get rolled out, led by internal communications, not led by the business…  

2. Leaders don’t really believe in engagement anyway, so internal communications bears the burden of communicating, which further weakens its commerciality and relevance to the business.  

This leads to greater disengagement in internal communications from senior leaders and a downward spiral.

The vast majority of leaders have the best intentions: 74% say they stay connected with frontline workers through informal conversations and meetings.*4    

This face-to-face interaction is vital, and helps leaders establish relationships with their workforce. But a leader is only one person. They’ll never have time to see everyone, and often this means they miss out on hearing from the quieter, more self-effacing employees, or kid themselves into thinking they’re more available than they actually are.  

This might explain the worrying trend for employees to feel disconnected from everyone outside their immediate team.

While 86% of employees feel connected to their direct co-workers, only 14% feel connected to their business HQ. Meanwhile, just 3% feel connected to their C-Suite. *5   

So what’s the answer?   

Commerciality has to be at the heart of your internal communications strategy.  

And senior leaders need to buy into the true commercial purpose of internal communications so they can play a full role in creating engaging updates for their people.


Need help to create visible, engaging leaders who understand how to place commerciality at the heart of their internal communications? 

For a complimentary consultation to understand how your leaders could be communicating differently so that you can drive change projects, increase employee engagement and team retention, book 30 minutes into my diary here.     

*1 Gallup State of the Workplace 2017
* 2 Deloitte
*3 Dale Carnegie
*4 & 5 Meta survey of 2000 CEOs and front line workers:
Deskless Not Voiceless

Remembering Phil one year on – who’s your most memorable colleague?

Today marks the one-year anniversary of the death of my business partner, best friend and co-founder of 300, the inimitable Phil Jenkins. 

I wanted to take a moment to remember him, the joy he brought to my working life, what I learnt from him and encourage you to take a moment of gratitude for a colleague who’s shaped your journey.

If you knew Phil, I know you’ll have great stories of your own, please drop us a line at

For those of you who didn’t have the privilege of meeting Phil, he was warm, funny and could say the most inappropriately hilarious things and joyously could just get away with it.

“A true gent”, “young at heart”, “a whirlwind of utter joy"-  just some of the ways Phil’s friends and colleagues describe him. After a chat with Phil you instantly felt happier, more hopeful and believed anything was possible.

He gave people opportunities and they never forgot: like Naomi: “Phil remains to this day one of the most welcoming, funny and kind bosses!”  

He even cheered people up on the way to work, like Dominic: “I had the tremendous privilege of travelling into London with Phil for several years. Whatever the weather or time of day, he never failed to bring joy and compassion into every journey.” 

Phil reinvented himself several times through life, from art school rebel, professional sailor, recruitment consultant, Masters student, photographer, digital marketing director, 300 business founder, and who knows what reincarnations were to come next. 

Phil died at 56 years of age. Far too young. 

But he left a lasting legacy.

When I was battling in the corporate world of communications he recognised something in me. He believed in me and my skills in a way that no one had done before. He was the best boss I ever had and the best human being. He brought out the best in me and I did the same for him.

Leaders need epic followers, we often forget that. 

But the real magic at work happens when the follower becomes a partner.

And then you’re an unbeatable team. 

Our Big Boss at the time described us as “a many headed hydra” which we took to mean Big Boss was mildly frustrated they couldn’t “divide and conquer”

(Ooh, and if said Boss in this newsletter list? We respected it 😉 )

Like many, we got frustrated with the corporate world, plotted our escape and 300 Communications was born. Fed up with working with big creative and comms agencies who just didn’t get the realities of corporate organisations we thought we could do better!

Over the last five years we’ve launched new communications platforms for clients, turned around dire communications and poor employee engagement, coached senior leaders to be epic communicators, launched amazing Bots to increase productivity and engagement, launched podcasts and much much more.



Learning to go it alone over the last year has been hard. 

But I’m still standing.

And 300 is thriving.

That’s what Phil wanted. 

Starting the company meant something to both of us and I’m proud to continue Phil’s legacy. 

It’s been the toughest year of my life, personally and professionally. 

I’ve had battles I didn’t expect to face. 

And it’s hard having board meetings on your jack jones without your epic business partner! 

Some amazing people have stepped up during that time who are definitely approaching Phil’s legendary status! My business coach and epic human being Jessica Lorimer. The clever Faye Levi who’s got a bit of the Phil strategy magic! And the dependable tech brain of Ricky Kalsi. 

Change at work is hard. It’s not always welcome. I’ve had to pivot, evolve, adapt and change. 

Phil’s unshakeable confidence and faith in me is part of me now and that’s his legacy living on. 

If you’ve never had a Phil in your career, then hopefully you’ve been a Phil to yourself and been your own cheerleader! Or maybe it’s time to step up and be a Phil to someone else. People remember that support and appreciation. They don’t remember so much of what you did at work but they DO remember how you did it.

And that’s what I learned from Phil I guess. Be a decent person. I try every day and fail a bit better each day. Because you know, we all have to phone mobile phone and utilities companies from time to time.

If you’ve got a colleague who makes your life infinitely easier and more fun at work, please drop them a thank you today.  

So here's to you Phil. Your legacy lives on in the wit you bestowed on us all, the projects you started and 300 has completed in your absence and the leaders that we're teaching how to communicate authentically and distinctively like you always did.

From 300 in remembrance,


Contact Caroline Watkin at to share your Phil stories! 

Caroline Watkin, Co-founder, 300 Communications


Six ways to use internal podcasts to increase engagement, retention and profit

Woman with yellow headphones on a pink background listening happily

The pandemic, hybrid working and ‘quiet quitting’ frustrations all mean that employee engagement has taken a hit in recent years. In fact, whilst 86% of employees feel connected to their direct co-workers, only 14% say they feel connected to their business headquarters. More worryingly, just 3% feel connected to their C-Suite executives.*

That connection is critical to business success and profitability. We don’t need research to tell us that people who like their bosses are more productive but if we want the stats then take a look at LSE’s analysis of 339 independent studies on the topic. It clearly shows the relationship between employee satisfaction and stock market returns.

Funnily enough, organisations with higher employee satisfaction had between 2 and 4% higher returns than the industry average.**

So just how do you create and crucially DEEPEN that engagement between employees and senior leaders, particularly if most people in your organisation never even get to meet the CEO and senior leadership team?

Well, if you’ve been alive recently you can’t have failed to notice the growth of podcasts.

In the UK alone, 6 million more of us listened in during the last three years. That’s about 15 million Brits each year tuning into a podcast. Everyone’s got one, from Michelle Obama to Ru Paul Charles, even my dog sitter has one. And if you don’t know who Ru Paul Charles is, stop reading this article and go listen to his podcast IMMEDIATELY. Then come back!

Now we’re seeing the rising trend of the internal corporate podcast. We’re working with all sorts of organisations that are using the unique benefits of podcasts to better connect with their workforce, drive retention and ultimately make more money.

Here’s six ways you can use internal podcasts in your organisation to drive engagement, retention and profit:

1. Promote internal career opportunities and talent initiatives

Podcasts create connection and are convenient for employees to listen to so they are perfect platforms to share non-urgent but critical information that can combat the great resignation, for example, by highlighting the awesome career opportunities in your business.  

Interviewing people in key functional areas humanises their career stories and brings career paths to life - much more engaging than the ‘flow diagrams’ that most organisations share on how you get from A to Z! 

Corporate podcasts are also great ways to showcase the diversity of roles in your business and a fantastic way to showcase talent and celebrate success - motivating and inspiring others to progress so that retention increases and the costs of new hires are reduced. 

Learning & Development teams can also use podcasts to share updates on their latest training initiatives in an engaging and accessible way so their visibility increases and employees buy into new initiatives from the start.

In fact, podcasts are a great way to actually deliver learning and training. Some organisations have specific courses as podcasts and some have ALL their learning as bite-sized podcast episodes - saving time and money whilst increasing that all-important engagement. 

2. Reach dispersed, busy sales teams (e.g. recruitment, estate agency, car retailers)

Podcasts are so successful at creating connection because of something called ‘parasocial empathy’. Scientists have found that podcasts enhance perceived intimacy with hosts by well, err, changing our brains! I’m paraphrasing but in essence this is what’s happening. 

When we factor in that most people listen to podcasts with headphones on, the effect is amplified, triggering a greater feeling of closeness according to On Amir, co-author of a study in the journal Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

That means podcasts are a brilliant way to reach skeptical people in the organisation, like hard-to-reach, dispersed sales professionals. Ideas, best practice and training can be shared in a non preaching way with top performers who may be missing the detail, or not following the company process.

There's also a chance for the sales director to explain why the company way is important and a greater chance of salespeople actually buying into this purpose and taking willing action. New starters and poorer performers can also learn how to improve, driving higher sales and profitability.

The beauty of podcasts is that time-pressured staff can also listen to podcasts whilst they’re doing something else. In fact, most of us listen to podcasts to ease the pain of unpleasant or boring tasks like doing admin and expenses or when we’re on the move, say doing the school run, driving to work or at the gym.***** 

It gives people the choice to engage, when they want to and so drives productivity and engagement. You can even give sales professionals a platform as guests on the podcast to supercharge engagement. AND by getting them to share their top tips, they help the rest of the sales force, making the most of peer-to-peer learning and reducing training costs. 

3. Supporting neurodiverse employees 

Staff with Aspergers, autism or those with challenges like dyslexia may struggle with traditional learning methods, which typically involve reading copious amounts of text. It’s estimated that 6 million people in the UK have some form of dyslexia, it’s much more common than we think and different learning styles are often a reason why internal communications and training fail to hit the mark. The same goes for our colleagues with visual impairments. It democratises learning and gives everyone a change from the same old ways of doing things. 

Podcasts are also great learning mechanisms for the creative brains and other freethinkers in the business from designers and developers to software engineers. 

4. Showcasing corporate social responsibility (CSR) / environment, social and governance (ESG) initiatives 

Nearly two in five employees responding to a survey by Robert Half said they’d look for a new job if their employer wasn’t doing enough on ESG issues. And ESG is particularly important for younger people, with 22% of 18-34 year-olds putting corporate values above salary.******

The immediacy of podcasts gives us a fighting chance to showcase charitable and ESG type initiatives, building the employer brand and giving employees the sense of purpose they crave from their employer nowadays. 

And this is only going to grow in importance. By 2029, Gen Z and Millennials will make up 72% of the world’s workforce. As our employees of the future place greater importance on environmental and social concerns than their predecessors, organisations that can communicate their initiatives effectively, will become employers of choice. 

Podcasts motivate and inspire, deepening engagement so employees can dive deeper into these initiatives. And those who want to can get even more involved, taking actions like volunteering, becoming champions to inspire others and ESG focused podcasts are also great ways to promote competitions and new initiatives, for example, inviting employees to take part in charitable trips and events. 

As 30 percent of workers will look for a new job unless ESG activity is increased, according to one study******* it’s crucial that such initiatives are communicated well. As if no one knows or engages, it may as well not be happening!

Podcasts are a great way to engage your people in CSR initiatives

5. CEO / senior leader podcast - how I have built my career, career moments, etc 

A job isn’t just a job these days, most people have or want to have an emotional connection to the brand that they work for and their drive and productivity is driven by how they feel about the business and its leaders. 

The humanising effect of a well-done podcast makes people feel understood by their leadership team. So a CEO or senior leader podcast is the perfect vehicle for increasing leaders’ visibility and closing the gap between the top of the organisation and its front-line workers. 

The CEO can talk about how they built their career, key moments, how employees can own their career, toughest moments, how they deal with conflict and so on. Senior leaders can rotate between podcast episodes and cover the same topics or new issues. 

People want a leadership team they understand and respect, that are human, who don’t speak in jargon or corporate language, who can motivate, inspire and convey empathy. 

By avoiding the jargon and overly corporate language the podcast is a great way to showcase company culture, making people feel part of that culture, driving retention. I said at the start that just 3% of employees feel connected to their C-Suite executives so a podcast is a great way to close that connection gap.

6. Celebrate new initiatives or awareness days like Stress Awareness, World Diversity Day or Pride

Having a special podcast series can also help celebrate or draw attention to key initiatives such as the upcoming Pride month in June. Celebrating these awareness events using podcasting as a tool really helps employees to engage more actively with the initiative and helps to answer potentially sensitive questions that they might have in a simple and refreshing way. And we can really get to hear those personal stories of why these initiatives really matter to your leaders. 

Here are some of the ideas that we created for clients to support better engagement during International Women's Day and beyond to drive retention of key female staff and create a more diverse talent pipeline:

  • We interviewed a variety of women in organisations to celebrate their achievements so that newer recruits were able to be inspired by the stories and challenges other women have faced, cultivating a strong sense of community whilst creating a strong talent pipeline

  • Podcasting’s mix of immediacy and intimacy means that employees better connect with career stories and by featuring women in nontraditional roles we helped organisations break the bias surrounding male-dominated functions like engineering and manufacturing - so that they can recruit more women into these roles, generate more referrals and work to ensure female talent stays in the organisation.

  • We worked with organisations to create  podcast series with a clear purpose and strategy so that employees felt their company was doing more than paying lip service to key issues, building trust in the employer brand and increasing employee satisfaction

  • Worked with organisations' existing groups, like their women’s network, to use podcasting as a way to conveniently share initiatives and invite inspiring guest speakers so that content had a much longer shelf life, unlike a one-off webinar, which may get lost in the busyness of the working day.

Want help to create an effective awareness day podcast that can inspire, motivate and engage your employees?

Book your podcast for Pride Month in June or other awareness events...

A well-done podcast will get people listening to your message and drive that all-important engagement. Hiring broadcasting specialists to deliver your podcast alleviates the stress on already busy communications teams, without podcasting skills, so that you can quickly get your campaign sorted for International Women’s Day. 

If you’d like to set up a professional podcast for Pride, we are running a special offer to set up your entire podcast for you: 

You’ll get access to:

  • A clear Pride podcast strategy and angle, bespoke to your organisation so that you can build greater community, trust and employee engagement
  • A professional, virtual broadcast studio so that you can create a high-quality podcast that employees want to listen to, creating increased buy in, engagement and higher retention
  • A professional interviewer so that the right questions are asked, the conversation builds naturally, saving busy executives time in the organisation and production of the podcast
  • A complete, done for you podcast, with all production and editing included so that time is saved, meaning you can sit back and enjoy the results.
  • The package includes four episodes with four guest speakers from your organisation to celebrate achievements so that newer recruits are able to be inspired by the stories and challenges other's have faced in your organisation, cultivating a strong sense of community whilst creating a strong talent pipeline
  • Advice and tips on the best way to get people listening to your podcast and how to communicate its arrival so that you can maximise your investment and achieve your goals of increasing engagement and retention 
  • Design templates you can personalise for your organisation to advertise your podcast internally

Contact Caroline Watkin  at to talk about your podcast for Pride or other awareness event.

Caroline Watkin, Co-founder, 300 Communications


*Deskless Not Voiceless - Workplace from Meta research of 2000 senior decision-makers and 2000 employees 

**LSE Article Happy Employees and Their Impact on Performance

LSE refers to Edmans study specifically on employee satisfaction and stock market returns

***The Role of Parasocial Interactions for Podcast

****The Persuasive Power Headphones Have Over Speakers


****** Robert Half Study - Nearly Half of Young Workers Are Prepared to Leave Their Jobs Over Poor ESG

*******According to Marsh & McLennan Advantage


The top five problems companies are facing with internal communications

Lots of internal communications teams are telling me that they struggle to create engaging, valued updates for their business. BUT even when they have designed the perfect campaign, with every box ticked, they’re still faced with senior leaders and other employee groups who simply ignore all communications. 

Kind of like the ‘quiet quitting’ trend in a way but these people are high performers who go above and beyond for the work but simply won’t engage in internal communications and the wider culture of the company.

They have a get out of jail free card if you like, whether that’s because of the tyranny of billable hours in professional services, commission culture driving top sales performers or operations directors solely focused on getting perishable products out the door.

Navigating the balance between creating truly relevant content that your people will value and at the same time figuring out ways to better partner with stakeholders who simply don’t see the point of engaging is a perennial challenge for many internal communications teams. 

I take a closer look at the top five problems companies are facing right now with internal communications.

1. No CEO buy-in 

The saying goes ‘the fish rots from the head down’ so if your CEO isn’t behaving in a way that supports great internal communications it’s unlikely your high-performing leaders will see the point either. 

The perennial issues I see here are CEOs who either don’t see the point of being a visible leader themselves or, they pay lip service to internal communications because they don’t believe there’s any commercial merit in it. 

Others are at the stage where they see there could be value for the organisation but they genuinely don’t think anyone wants to hear from them and are genuinely stumped as to what they’d talk about. Once they do get the value, many actually lack confidence in their ability to create engaging updates, the skills to come across naturally, or are simply a bit scared of modern workplace technology. 

2. Too many internal communication channels 

Even if your CEO is on board and the internal communications team has done sterling work to partner with the ‘disengaged doers’ of the organisation, there are often so many entry points to get work done that it’s simply too easy to ignore company communications. 

And let’s face it, even the most engaged people in an organisation are simply not going to log onto several places if it’s not essential to your job. Employees want frictionless experiences and the workforce has much higher expectations of great design and ease of use.

When you consider ALL the places we expect people to check into it’s no wonder internal communications teams don’t see a return for their efforts. From clunky intranets, email, videos, Microsoft Teams groups, Yammer, Slack and WhatsApp, plus the average employee needs about 40 apps just to get their job done.

In fact, according to a recent report, an average enterprise uses 461 disparate apps — with each functional group relying on specialised functional apps designed to serve them better. The average number of apps for HR came to 90, Finance totalled 60 and even Sales came to 43*.

This means workers are using hundred of disconnected apps and performing hundreds of disconnected tasks to complete their projects. And because there’s often no central space or platform to access everything, internal communications is ANOTHER thing people have to do rather than a seamless part of getting work done. 

*Source: Mary Meeker internet trends 2017.

3. Communications teams' excluded from board level conversations

Many internal communications professionals tell me that it’s hard to get a seat at the table and so it’s difficult to get their voices heard as a driver of business change. I’ve been there and it genuinely is the toughest thing about the role.

Senior internal communications professionals also bemoan the shortage of internal communications professionals with the skills to act as true business partners.

That can mean that the function struggles to show the relevance of company communications to leaders and people’s jobs across the organisation. 

4. Struggling to make communications engaging, interesting and valuable 

So if internal communications teams can’t influence their key stakeholders and functions across the organisation and those important conversations don’t happen, it means internal communications is completely disconnected from business strategy. 

It also means it’s disconnected from the kind of the culture the organisation wants to build. That’s when internal communications becomes ‘window dressing’ or a dull news function rather than the glue that links the business together, adding real value. 

No matter if you have the world’s best editorial team writing your comms, if you can’t connect what business leaders and the organisation want and need, internal communications simply will not be engaging, interesting and VALUABLE. You may hit engaging and interesting but if it's not working towards a bigger purpose or organisational narrative it’s kind of pointless. 

5. Staff focused on delivery, not leadership 

Now, we’ve all had a tough few years and just getting a product out the door or a service delivered frankly takes a bloody heroic effort. From Covid to supply chain challenges, cost inflation and recession, it’s been pretty relentless. Then we expect people to engage in internal communications, fill in all the forms and have a good work-life balance! 

Even before the world went bonkers, every organisation had its ‘untouchables’ or high performers, who simply sidestep contributing to company culture and internal communications because they are too important to distract from billing or delivering. 

Yet when organisational change happens and you REALLY need these people to engage it’s a hard habit to break. And when these key leaders are unwilling to be visible and communicate to their teams it can impact retention and becomes a business critical issue. 

So when you have inexperienced internal communications teams unable to business partner with these tricky stakeholders, the problem intensifies. It's an issue that needs addressing if the business is to carry on changing and growing. 

Are you struggling with these issues? You aren’t alone.

Book a call with me to discuss how organisations are increasing engagement through better internal communications AND increasing stakeholder buy in.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at and we’ll be more than happy to answer your questions personally.

Check out our Future of Work podcast episode!

Check out our Future of Work podcast episode if you are interested in what people want from work and how this influences your communications technology choices.

Do you still need an intranet these days?

Are you considering what communications technology you need in place to drive productivity in a hybrid work setting? Or are you dead set on a new intranet but haven’t considered the alternatives out there? Perhaps you’re wondering how other companies are organising company knowledge and can’t see the wood for the trees in your business?

If you’re going in circles then come on in and find out how to make the right choice for your organisation, the reasons why intranets fail so often and the different models companies are adopting to replace or modernise the traditional intranet.

Caveat: this is NOT just for techies, we cover the people, culture and business aspects of choosing communications technology and intranets. In fact, we take a deeper dive into why the needs of people matter when making communications technology choices.

We also discuss how the rise of consumer technology is impacting us at work and why the future of work matters when considering your next intranet move.

Whether your intranet is a thorn in your side OR your crowning glory, this episode will give you the lowdown on what’s next for the modern intranet and workplace technology. And if you’re in the ‘why have an intranet’ camp there’s plenty here to drive the conversation with your business. 

In this episode we’re discussing:

  • The legacy of early intranets and how old thinking still impacts organisations today 3:37
  • Definition of the ‘intranet’ - knowledge repository or news channel? 4:22
  • What are the alternatives to an intranet? 5:56 OR 
  • The benefits of social technology vs an intranet 6:41  
  • The rise of the personalised news feed v static intranets 7:37 
  • How does your organisation type influence your technology choice? 8:58
  • What are the factors you need to consider when choosing a new intranet solution? 8:58
  • Why some companies are ditching the intranet in favour of social collaboration 9:19
  • The biggest reason intranets fail and how you can avoid this 10:52
  • The three most popular models for organising company information 11:17
  • The disadvantages of an intranet & why companies replace them every 3-5 years 14:00
  • Is Microsoft Teams the answer to everything? 15:05
  • Who you need to get involved in the decision and why 23:32
  • The ESSENTIAL thing you need to do avoid making a comms technology mistake 28:44
  • The rise of ‘shadow’ IT 30:39
  • New to market ‘intranet’ options that are changing the game 33:36
  • Why forgetting front line workers is a mistake 34:34
Key resources mentioned in this episode:
Book an exploratory chat with Phil & Caroline 

We’re offering insights sessions so that you can gain clarity on the right tech solutions for your business and hear market insights from similar organisations.

These opportunities are limited - so if you’d like our insights and a transparent conversation about how we could support your goals, book here now:

If you have any questions on the modern intranet, other workplace technology or communications strategy please feel free to email or we’ll be more than happy to answer your questions personally.

Check out our Future of Work episode!

Don’t forget to check out our Future of Work podcast episode if you are interested in what people want from work and how this influences your communications technology choices.

More episodes

Ep 001 - The Future of Work

We’re hiring a Customer Support Assistant!

Over at 300 Communications Consultants, we’re hiring a Customer Support Assistant to play a key role in taking our business to the next stage of growth.

If you know a super keen, self-starter who can assist us in all aspects of managing the day to day running of our business then tag someone who’s a good fit, pass on the job description or complete an application via the email in the job description attached.

A bit about the role:

We’re looking for someone to help us with appointment management and customer service queries as well as supporting sales and marketing activity. This is a great opportunity to learn about cutting edge digital technology and communications from a highly experienced but fun team.

You can download the full job description here, but do feel free to ask us any questions via email, LinkedIn or Facebook. You can apply by sending your CV and a covering letter to 😁

Free online yoga classes with Alex Benasuli

Come and be inspired by Alex in these meditative free-flowing yoga classes

Six weeks into lockdown and the 300 team is getting a little stiff from working long hours supporting our clients. So we joined our friend and professional yoga teacher Alex Benasuli for his restorative online yoga classes.

We got so much out of the sessions that we asked Alex if we could share his classes with all our clients. He has a lovely community meeting on Tuesdays at 8am – 9am and Fridays 3pm – 4pm BST and we’d be delighted to see you there.

The classes are suitable for all levels and you’ll leave with a refreshed mind and a spring in your step.

How to register

Friend Alex on Facebook: Alex J. Benasuli or on Instagram @lonalex69 and then just send him a direct message mentioning 300 and he’ll add you to the class.

About Alex
Alex came to yoga as a result of a physical injury but stayed for the mind, body and soul exploration. Ever since, his practice and teaching have been about getting present though body and breath awareness as a way to decrease suffering and increase joy.

Alex teaches a strong, flowing yet forgiving practice, grounded in earth energy but with the passion of fire and the lightness of air. For Alex, the practices of yoga, physical and other, are about reestablishing connection to self, community, and the universe and, by doing so, creating the space for gratitude, humility and love to thrive. His teachers in the US, Europe and India have inspired him to be of service. 

Alex also teaches online at Triyoga

Join us on Tuesdays 8-9am or
Fridays 3-4pm BST

Launching We Are Together t-shirts to support NHS workers

We started We Are Together T-shirts as a side project to inject a bit of fun, love and positivity into your day.

Like many, we’ve found ourselves looking for ways to do our bit. So we created our certified organic T-shirts to help NHS workers.

Our high-quality T-shirts are made on the Isle of Wight in a renewable energy powered factory. They are made to order, so there’s no waste.

And we only use certified organic cotton and eco-friendly dyes with no animal derivatives. Even better, everything comes in funky wrapping paper using plastic-free packaging.

Choose a batch for your colleagues, adding your company logo. Or send a beautiful, high-quality t-shirt to a friend or loved one. For men and women, in all sizes and lots of colours.

Order yours at all proceeds go to NHS Charities Together

Phil wearing his T-shirt personalised with our 300 logo

300 is a full-service communications consultancy with a great design team. Drop us a line if you need help bringing internal or external campaigns to life at